The Nia Africa community consists of Nia teachers, trainers,
and students located in South Africa and beyond. 

Here you can find more information about each inspiring
Nia Africa teacher and their journey with holistic movement practices.
Click on the profile of any teacher to read more.

Nia First Degree Black Belt Teacher
3NGT trainer
Next Generation White Belt trainer
Nia Second Degree Black Belt teacher
Nia White Belt trainer
Classic Nia, Nia Moving to Heal & Nia 5 stages
Studio Kairos
Nia First Degree Black Belt teacher
Nia Five Stages, Nia Move It & Nia Moving to Heal
Nia Black Belt teacher
Nia 5 Stages, Nia Move It & Nia Moving to Heal
Nia Blue Belt teacher
Nia Moving to Heal
Nia First Degree Black Belt teacher
Nia Moving to Heal & Nia 5 Stages
Nia Black Belt teacher
Nia 52 moves & Nia Moving to Heal
Nia Blue Belt teacher
Nia Moving to Heal